Thursday, 1 September 2011

New project: Icebergs

This project won’t be like Warcelona, it will be much more personal and experimental, that’s why I’m going to do it alone, but maybe that will change in the future.

I will do the project in UDK, but I’m not going to download UDK until 2 or 3 weeks from now. That’s because I want to begin in UDK with a solid base. I’ve done a lot of reference research since now, and now it’s time to put them in common. That’s why I bought a big cork board and a poket Sketchbook that I’m going to take everywhere.

General game idea: The main idea is to have a very modular estructure (programming, gameplay and envirorments). Basically, the game is a first person GAME (not shooter) about puzzle solving “a la portal” (find the exit with a given gameplay). Every puzzle is an iceberg (100% of the game takes place in the artic) and the main objective is to reach the end (“magic light that teleports you to another iceberg”). For that, you’ve got a special artifact/skill; you can play with the climate. You can do global climatic changes like make all colder to freeze water and stuff and create solid parts, warm it to unfreeze them, wind to take impulse, fog to hide from you enemies, and stuff like that. The main idea is that this changes will always be GLOBAl and not local, si if we choose “hot” all the envirorment will change to “hot”.
Anyways, that’s just the main idea, when playtest time, I’m sure a lot of things will change, but for now it’s ok. The main idea is still to play with clima and weather.
About the story? I can’t tell a lot by now, but Thruman show is a big reference for me.

The envirorments have 4 kinds of architectures:

- Rocky structures
- Ice structures
- Roman structures
- And modern architecture inspired by Mies van de Rohe

All these have to achieved with modular sets.

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